Saturday, January 3, 2015


New Year serves as an invitation for a new beginning. It gives hope and inspiration for all to face the new challenges that will come in the future. That is why as we welcome the New Year, it is just proper to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary as the Mother of God, our Mother. We are all reminded that Mary is with us for another year that is filled with blessings from the Almighty.

The Solemnity of Mary as Mother of God is celebrated on the first day of January. It is included in what we call “Octave of Christmas,” or the extended celebration of Christmas starting from the 25th of December. Mary as the Mother of God is one of the most important titles of Mary. This title comes from the Greek word theotokos which means “God-bearer.” In this day, we are reminded of the important role that Mary played for our salvation. Through the Holy Spirit, God the Father prepared Mary to be the instrument of the incarnation of His Son, Jesus. Mary’s fiat serves as the sign of the fulfillment of God’s plan for the salvation of all. That is why, to call Mary as the Mother of God is the highest honor we can give to her.

If Christmas is giving honor to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace”, the Solemnity of Mary as the Mother of God gives honor to Mary as the “Queen of Peace”. New Year’s Day is also the “World Day of Peace”. It announces the place of Mary in our hearts and her special role in our world. With Mary, we are all at peace. Like her care for Jesus, we will also be under her protection. In her company, we will not be forsaken.

She is Mary, the Mother of God, Mother of All, Mother of Peace.

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