Saturday, January 3, 2015


Jesus is the Word of God. He is God together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Through the incarnation of Jesus, we witness a great dialogue: God gave his Word to Mary and Mary gave her answer to God. Both God and Mary have the same word – true and everlasting. Both God and Mary have the same Word – Jesus. This is the reason why Jesus is both true God and true man. He is the great reconciliation, union and communion between God and man.

When Jesus became man, he embraced our humanity. He became like us, especially the lowliest among us. Jesus lived a simple life among us. He was not glamorous, rich and powerful despite his being God. He chose to live simply with ordinary people. He even chose to be born in a stable. He lived a hidden life and like us he experienced how it was to be poor, to go hungry, to mourn and to die. He became man for our sake: that we may experience that God is very close to us, that he is with us in our difficulties and ease.

Christmas is a great celebration of so great a love God has for us. St. Athanasius once said, “God became man so that man may become god.” God shared in our life so that we may share in his life.

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