Saturday, April 27, 2013

The New Commandment

A face that only a mother could love. This is one of the funnier ways of saying someone is ugly. On a related note, it is also a portrayal of a mother’s love. Sacrifice, going against social biases, complete and selfless love – all these can be found in the phrase only a mother could love. This kind of love is difficult to achieve to the point of being reserved only for very close relationships like that of a mother and her child.

Yet in today’s Gospel, this is the kind of love that Jesus calls us to. It is Christian love. It is the kind of love that Jesus Himself lived and shared with us. The kind of love that enabled Him to forgive and pray for those who persecuted and executed Him. The kind of love that enables one to love in spite of. True, we can say that we have experienced this kind of love: with our families, with our best friends, with the special person with whom we share our whole life. But Jesus calls us to something more – to extend this love to others just as His love redeemed all mankind. Christian love must go beyond borders and break all barriers. It loves in spite of. And in doing so, we show to others the love that God Himself shared with us through Jesus His Son.

Look at the faces around you. Are they faces that only a mother could love? Or are they faces that you as a Christian could love?

Lord, we thank You for the example of love that You have given us. Give us grace that we may love as you have loved. And if everything else fails, remind us of the sacrifices you went through to show us Your love. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Amen! What wonderful words have you written in this post! Many thanks for inspiration for the upcoming day!
