Saturday, January 3, 2015


Being a Christian is considered as one of the good legacies of the Spaniards to us. It is through the Spaniards that we came to know that there is only One and True God and we learned to worship Him. It has become part of our consciousness to live according to the teachings of Jesus. The propagation of Christianity in the country was accompanied by traditions that serve to strengthen our faith in God. One of these traditions which was started by the Spanish friars is the “Dawn Mass.”

The celebration of the Dawn Masses in the Philippines started in the 1700’s. It was during that time that the friars started to celebrate novena masses in preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the mass, the friars wanted to emphasize in the hearts and minds of new members the importance of the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

The Dawn Masses are also called “Missa de Gallo.” Gallo is Spanish for “rooster”. The crowing of the rooster was a signal for Filipinos to rise up and prepare for mass. Most of the Filipinos then were farmers and fishermen. By celebrating the mass before the sun rises and before the people went to work in the farm or sea, the friars allowed the people still to worship God without neglecting their livelihood. In this way, the parish priests are successful in gathering their parishioners in one mass.

The Dawn Masses are also called “Misas de Aguinaldo.” During these masses, we commemorate the giving of gifts of the three wise men to the Child Jesus in the manger.

The Dawn Mass is an important spiritual tradition that serves as a preparation for Christmas. It helps us to recall and reflect on the spirit of the first Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus.

Can you now hear the first crow of the rooster? Let us go and attend the Dawn Mass.

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