Saturday, January 3, 2015


God is merciful and compassionate. His kindness knows no end and his mercy lasts forever, even if we continue to sin against Him. Because of His mercy and compassion, He sent His only Son to ransom and save us. That is why, in the Incarnation of God, through the mediation of Christ, we felt and saw the mercy and compassion of the Heavenly Father.

Christ is the face of the merciful and compassionate God. In Matthew 9:36, it is said, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” And if we observe all the things that the Lord has made, they are full of mercy and compassion. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, delivered those possessed by evil spirits, preached the truth, gave light and hope to humankind. And the greatest among these is: He offered His own life on the cross so that we can be saved and, become worthy of the everlasting life.

On January 14-19, 2015, Pope Francis will visit our country. The theme of his visit is mercy and compassion. He will come to let us feel and remember the mercy and compassion of God. He knows the situation of the Filipinos. He knows our sufferings, especially the suffering of the victims of calamities in our country. The world will never forget what happened last year, especially in the Visayan Region, when Typhoon Yolanda devastated our country. Thousands of lives were lost, properties were destroyed, many families were separated, and dreams were shattered. Until now, the victims still feel those sufferings. Many people became merciful and compassionate because of happened in the country. And one of those people is Pope Francis.

During the visit of Pope Francis, let us all prepare. Let us dispose ourselves by reflecting and living the mercy and compassion of God. It is important in our preparation that we ourselves feel that mercy and compassion. And since we know that we are all sinful and we experience a lot of sufferings, we also need mercy and compassion. Let us approach God. We have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Let us go back to Him because He is merciful and is always ready to forgive. We also have the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the real presence of Jesus Christ, who is the source of life and strength of the Church. Let us remember those who are in need of mercy and compassion. Let us pray for them and help them to live their life again. Let us come together and help each other so that our Church will be a Church of mercy and compassion. During the visit of Pope Francis, may he see and feel in us that we are a nation and church full of the mercy and compassion of Christ who is our Lord.

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