Saturday, December 6, 2014


Br. Cyr Stephen Magbanua, OP 

The Gospel presents to us the great John the Baptist. He is considered great because of his important role in God’s work of salvation. His greatness depends neither on his self-righteousness nor on grandiose lifestyle but on lesser things. He does not claim to be the Messiah when everybody does. He wears neither costly clothing nor feeds on sumptuous foods. His preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ is through a humble and simple way of life. 

In this season of preparation for the coming and birth of our Lord, we can have as our model the great John the Baptist. We can prepare ourselves and be great Catholics by having less. We can lessen our complaining and focus more on giving thanks. We can lessen our harsh criticisms and give more affirmations; less bickering, more forgiving; less pettiness, more maturity; less gossiping, more praying; less discouragement, more hopefulness; less anger, more patience; less hatred and more loving. It is by being less that we can be great!

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