Thursday, December 11, 2014


It is HOW, not WHY! 
Br. Mark Philip Goroza, OP

"Why me Lord?" This is the common phrase we often ask to the Lord every time we find ourselves in a situation we did not expect. May it be positive or negative that question always echoes on our minds and our hearts. We always look and search for the reasons behind the things or experiences that happen to us. Asking the question "WHY" every time we encounter something is part of our being an intellectual being. We desire to know the reasons behind everything. We must remember, however, that aside from being a sign of curiosity or a sign of the desire to know, the question "WHY" would also suggest a kind of hesitancy or doubt on the part of the person asking the question. 

In the gospel, it is not "WHY" that Mary asked when the angel announced to her that she would give birth to a son. She asked "HOW." Her question shows her great desire to submit herself to the will of God. Her “HOW” also would suggest that whatever reason there may be for choosing her to be the mother of God, it is not any more important, for she trusted the wisdom of God. What is more important is how she can fulfill the will of God. 

Perhaps, "WHY" is also in the mind of Mary during the Annunciation. Her willingness and desire to do the will of God, however, surpassed that desire to know the reason why God chose her. She cannot but ask "HOW" and not "WHY". Her "HOW" made her understood the "WHY" of the plan of God.

Like Mary, let us first desire to do the will of God. Surely understanding His will shall follow. Try to ask God “HOW” instead of WHY.”

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