Thursday, December 11, 2014


Br. Reginald Zamora, OP

Have you surrendered yourself to God?

Every time I attend funerals there is always a question that lingers in my mind. Was this person able to have a communion with God when he was still alive? On one hand, if the person disregarded God in his lifetime, it is really a pity that such thing had happened. There is a possibility that his soul is bound for eternal damnation. On the other hand, if the person lived a full life of serving God then the pain of loss should be overcome by joy. Surely that person is at peace and is enjoying eternal happiness with our Creator. 

The same goes with people of terminal diseases who only have weeks or months to live. For me it is a question whether the person lived a full life with God or not. If not, then blessed he is for he is given one last opportunity to be united with God. The salvation of the soul is far more important than the body. Should we be in that situation, we have to use those remaining moments of our lives to say our apology and gratitude to God, and finally to surrender ourselves completely to God. 

Everybody dreams of a happy ending in their lives. A happy ending can only be attained through a genuine communion with God. By surrendering and uniting ourselves with God, everything in our lives will be in their proper perspective, in their proper place. And at the end of our lives, together with Simeon we can sing:

“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all peoples...”

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