Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Jesus delayed his answer to the Canaanite woman who was crying “Have pity on me Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” Jesus did not say a word. The disciples grew impatient because it seemed nothing could be done with her problem. 
canwoBut the Canaanite woman was persistent. Jesus in the end seemed to have just delayed his answer to the woman to teach his disciples and also to teach us how to soften God’s heart. All the while the woman begging for Jesus to heal her daughter showed faith, patience and humility: faith, because she was asking healing for her daughter; patience, because even if Christ does not seem to answer she knew very well that Christ is listening; and humility, because she does not care if Israelites compare her to dogs. Even if dogs eat scraps from the table it is still food, and that food comes from Christ. For her a small portion is enough.

In our life, let us not lose hope when God seems not to hear our prayer. Let us follow the example of the Canaanite woman in faith, patience and humility.

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