Wednesday, April 29, 2015


By Br. Sandy Alerta, OP

The Lord is risen!

This is our proclamation. This is what we hold dear. This is our faith. Christ has died and He has risen from the dead.

But what does “rising” mean? The dictionary gives three definitions for it. Rising is to rise is to move upward, to go higher, or to slope or extend upward.

To rise is to move upward. As Jesus rises from the cold tomb that Joseph of Arimathea prepared for Him, we, too, are called to move upward from the sinfulness that breaks our relationships with our families, friends, neighbors, workmates and God. This season of Easter is a reminder for us to re-evaluate our lives and live it with a new enthusiasm brought forth by the risen Lord.

To rise is to go higher. Please don't take the negative notion of the definition. To go higher, in this sense, should be to be higher than our old self. If we were once insensitive, may we become sensitive to the needs of others. We should strive to become better day after day. As one bishop said: Tomorrow, be better than yourself today.

To rise is to slope or extend upward. It is always better to see progress than to stagnate or worse, to regress. We are happy when we see ourselves progress, don't we?

Indeed, Easter invites us to grow in the love of Jesus every day. This season teaches us to move upward, to go higher, and to extend upward, that is, to rise from our old sinful ways and to proclaim that Jesus has risen to give us hope, so that we, too, will rise in the last days. The Lord is risen, let us rejoice!

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