Wednesday, April 29, 2015


He is not an illusion
by Br. Ed Christian R. Estrada, OP
Sometimes we are deceived by many things. The objects we see now may not exactly be the same as yesterday or tomorrow. There is no guarantee of stability. Anything may happen anytime. What will happen then if our world today were a mere deception, with no guarantees-- just an illusion? Our reaction may be fear, as what happened to the disciples of Jesus Christ when they gathered in the upper room. They felt afraid and terrified when they saw Jesus in their midst. Maybe they asked themselves if he was real or just an illusion. Christ’s appearance was real and He was not an illusion. To prove that He had risen, He showed His pierced hands and feet and He invited them to touch Him.

In today’s Gospel, Christ manifests Himself as the Risen Lord. Today is when all the messianic visions and prophecies of the coming of the Savior are fulfilled. Jesus taught His disciples and the two disciples going to Emmaus that the scriptures will help them to understand what happened.

Even though our life may seem to be full of uncertainty, always remember that Christ is there for us. He will help us and guide us as He guided His disciples. Through His risen body, remember that He is not an illusion; He is real. Go and spread the good news that Christ is risen.

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