Saturday, February 15, 2014


We often hear people say, “Promises are meant to be broken.” But promises are made to be fulfilled. Today, we are reminded of that because the gospel for this very day talks about the fulfilment of the law, the law that God gave to man – the commandments. 

Jesus said that He came to this world to fulfill the promises that His Fa­ther promised and He did. God fulfilled what he promised to us, He is very true to His words. Are we in the same way true to our words? God promised that we will be saved and so we are saved. In our case, we promised God that we will follow His commandments. God only ask for ten things from us, and yet we cannot do them. We break promises. 

Now it is our turn to return what God did to us. We have to be true to ourselves and our words. We have to fulfill what we promised from the very first place, to obey the com­mandments of God. Do this for God, and for us, human kind, to be re­deemed from the mistakes we make. Start following what is meant to be.

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