Saturday, April 27, 2013


I have been using the best cell phone brand for many years.  The cell phone brand is the best because it is so effective, strong signal, durable; no need to load, no need to charge the battery but just need to have a good purpose to call. The cell phone brand is not Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericson, My phone, Cherry Mobile and LG; it is called PRAYER.

Here I would like to share with you one of the most wonderful faith experiences I have in my life. When I was in my final year in high school, I lived far from my family because of my studies. One time, it happened that I had only 45 Kyats (Myanmar money) but I had to pay 300 kyats for my tuition in the school. I did not have any idea where to get that amount of money that time. My home was quite far. Furthermore, it was very difficult to contact my family because of a bad political situation: there was a war between Myanmar national government troops and Kachin Independent Armies. Unless I paid the tuition, I was in danger of not being allowed to take the final examinations.

So it was very much important for me to pay. I was really in crisis.  While thinking how to get the money, I heard a voice as if in my heart say, “Pray to God with faith through Mother Mary.” It was said by a religious sister two years before I entered the seminary. So the night before the deadline for payment, I approached the image of Mother Mary in our chapel. I donated the 45 kyats which was all I had, and prayed with faith in God. The next day I was so sad and troubled for I had no money.

However, after lunch I was about to go to school without any hope. But then, I received a letter from my mother. My hands were trembling while opening it. There was exactly 300 kyats which I really needed. I was so happy for my prayer was granted. I believe that Thomas not just doubted but really prayed hard to see the marks of the nails in Jesus’ hands and the wound on his side and Jesus showed them to him. Prayer is the best Cell Phone Brand to communicate with God. God answers every prayer in his due time. 

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