Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It all reminds us of our own baptism. As we start this New Year, we are being challenged to renew our commitment to God as baptized Catholics. Two important figures in the Gospel serve as our guides: John the Baptist and Jesus Christ Himself.

The first is John the Baptist. And we ask ourselves whether we are like John the Baptist who prepared the way of the Lord. He is the forerunner of Jesus Christ who did his best to prepare the people for Jesus’ coming. He even recognized the greatness of Jesus Christ and placed himself far from the limelight. People thought he was the Messiah but he humbly replied to the people: “I am baptizing you with water but one mightier than I is coming…”

The second figure is Jesus himself. Are we like him who is united with the Father and the Holy Spirit? Jesus Christ’s baptism comes before his public ministry. This event tells us that whatever he will do is in accordance with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as the Son of God. This obedience leads to God the Father saying to Jesus, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

Doing the Father’s Will is the challenge for us in the beginning of this year. We are called to constantly discern God’s will for us. Given our present situation, our faith is being tested and to stand for it now becomes more difficult. However, God continuously calls us to follow Him in our own little ways. We just need to listen carefully to Him and find time to be with Him. As a Dominican brother in formation, I find solace in His comforting words: that He will always be with me in my vocation to the priesthood. The same is true with our respective vocations. He called us first. He invited us to be one with Him through Baptism. Let us hold firmly to His Words for He will never leave us alone.

Father, your words are true and eternal. Teach us to follow your will that we may not be led astray by today’s worldly allurements and illusions. Keep us in your bosom; protect us from sins and temptations. Give us the grace we need to face all our struggles and tribulations that we may always be one with you, in words and deeds. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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