Friday, November 15, 2013


The world has just lost thousands of good Filipinos. The newspaper images of wrecked homes, wrapped corpses and hysterical grievers are just heart breaking. The Philippines is shown in global news almost every hour. Many of those shown are in churches and chapels, sheltering and praying there. The world looks on us and falls silent.

Some of our brothers’ families were among those affected by the recent calamities. Some have damages in their homes. Some lost contact with their loved ones. These are difficult times and we are called to be of help and comfort to them.

In the midst of this darkness, the gospel for today (Luke 17:1-16) is speaking to us. It is composed of three aphorisms spoken by Jesus in three different occasions. The last is very striking. It speaks of faith, even of little faith and the great wonder with which the Lord can work through it. These times are faith shaking but it is as if the Lord is telling us to hang on and keep the little faith, perhaps the remaining faith that we have and see the wonders that he will work. It is certain that it would be difficult for the nation to rise again but the Lord, our faithful God, will surely bring us through all these.

The world has just lost thousands of good Filipinos. We honour them and mourn the loss of the good they could have been to make our nation, our world, our Church better. They died in faith but their faith lives on in us.

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